Understanding the problem - Why do people fall for fad diets?

The dangers of cutting out essential nutrients and extreme low-calorie diets.

Exploring more pitfalls like skipping meals and overeating superfoods, with expert tips for a healthier approach.

Want to lose weight? Before you start, avoid these 7 fad diet mistakes!

Essential Nutrients Matter: Don't cut out entire food groups; they provide vital nutrients crucial for your well-being.

Avoid VLCDs: Very Low-Calorie Diets may promise quick results, but they harm your body in the long run.

Regular Meals Are Key: Skipping meals disrupts your metabolism and leaves you drained; opt for balanced meals instead.

Personalized Approach: One-size-fits-all diets don't work; find what suits your body and lifestyle best.

Moderation with Superfoods: Overloading on superfoods can lead to imbalances; variety is key for a balanced diet.

Beware of Detox Diets: Extreme detox plans lack essential nutrients and are unsustainable in the long term.

Balance Protein Intake: While protein is important, too much can strain your kidneys; aim for a balanced diet.